Optical Ammonia Analyzer
High-Precision, Realtime Analysis of Ambient Air & Soil Flux Gas

Why Is Measuring NH₃ Accurately So Crucial?
Ammonia (NH₃) is the most prevalent alkaline gas in our atmosphere, making it the main focus of atmospheric chemistry, air quality, air visibility, and ecosystem processes.
While there is natural NH₃ release, the majority of the NH₃ present in our air is a result of human actions: livestock agriculture, car emissions, and fertilizer application being the most prevalent root causes. High concentration of NH₃ has a strong, unpleasant odor; diminishes air quality & visibility; and is toxic to humans & other living organisms.

NH₃ Measurements Made Simple.
Our optical ammonia analyzer (OAA) with <1ppb (1sec, 1σ) precision is an ideal solution for ambient air quality monitoring, elucidation of particulate matter formation, livestock emissions quantification, vehicle emissions quantification, indoor air quality, and soil flux measurements.